HomeCalgary5 Best Churches in Calgary 🥇

5 Best Churches in Calgary 🥇

Below is a list of the top and leading Churches in Calgary. To help you find the best Churches located near you in Calgary, we put together our own list based on this rating points list.

Calgary’s Best Churches:

The top rated Churches in Calgary are:

  • Calgary Life Church – loves to see people thrive in their God-given gifts & abilities.
  • Calgary Full Gospel Church – church passionate about seeing people of all walks of life experience the love and compassion of God
  • Grace Baptist Church of Calgary – a community of faith that gathers to worship, serve, encourage, teach and walk with one another
  • Commons Church – believe that Jesus came not to change God’s mind about us but to repair our imagination of God
  • Sacred Heart Church – a  welcoming and caring community dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, helping each other discover who God is calling us to be

Calgary Life Church

Calgary Life Church
Calgary Life Church enjoys watching people excel with their God-given skills and abilities at Calgary Life Church. They’ve strategically placed people so that they can find the potential of themselves and, as a result, create the Kingdom of God with excellence and zeal. They are driven by God’s compassion, inspired by His Spirit, and prepared by His Word to participate in every domain of the universe as ambassadors for Jesus and His grace-filled Gospel. Moreover, their weekend services were built with the unchurched people in your neighborhood in mind.


Church Services


Address: 11400 27 St SE, Calgary, AB T2Z 3R6
Phone: (403) 239 9099
Website: calgarylifechurch.com


“Our family has attended and been actively involved here for 4 years. The atmosphere is so welcoming to people of all types and ages, the messages are so scriptural, real and relevant, and the praise and worship so engaging that newcomers encounter God and give their lives to Him virtually every week, and believers are encouraged to genuinly live for the Lord. I have not been part of a congregation where such a large portion of its members are enthusiastically involved in one or more church ministries.” – Axel Dyckerhoff

Calgary Full Gospel Church

Calgary Full Gospel Church
Calgary Full Gospel Church is a church located in the heart of Calgary, Alberta, Canada, dedicated to helping people from all walks of life feel God’s grace and mercy as we live it out together through the teachings and example of Jesus. When a community prays together on Sunday mornings, this community puts together a lively and supportive group of all generations, cultures, and ethnic backgrounds.

They believe that emotional and spiritual development should not cease when you leave the church building, and there are several opportunities to walk through your faith or lean into your concerns and personal growth through the week, whether it’s by joining a CFG Community Group, connecting with one of the church’s missions, or seeking your place through getting involved.


Church Services


Address: 917 14 Ave SW, Calgary, AB T2R 0N8
Phone: (403) 244 2948
Website: calgaryfullgospel.com


“I might be a little biased, but I can honestly say I’m regularly blown away by the love and generosity of the people here. It’s a great place to be and I’m regularly inspired by the people from all over the world who have made this church their home and family.” – Jonathan Zoeteman

Grace Baptist Church of Calgary

Grace Baptist Church of Calgary
Grace Baptist Church of Calgary is a gathering of people of faith who come together to pray, support, inspire, educate, and walk alongside one another. Their mission is to love and live as Jesus did. God has blessed their church with a diverse community of people, and they believe there is still space for more. Grace Baptist Church is dedicated to a faithful and biblically educated understanding of who God is, who they are as people, and how they should live in a surrendered relationship with God through Jesus as the Saviour and Lord.


Church Services


Address: 2670 Radcliffe Dr SE, Calgary, AB T2A 7M2
Phone: (403) 235 3636
Website: gbccalgary.com


“A church of missionary-minded people who love the LORD and who are seeking to fulfill their ministry and be obedient to His word. I have no issue with them doctrinally, as they wisely have no official position on controversial areas like eschatology, but on the areas they are clear about their official position I agree with based on my study of the Bible. The preaching is excellent and I truly have been blessed by their music and children’s ministries.” – Roger Moore

Commons Church

Commons Church
Commons Church wants to be a part of the rebirth by following Jesus’ lead, helped by the Holy Spirit, and realizing that the good news is much stronger than they can imagine. The Bible teaches that Jesus is the only exact image of God and that God has always looked like Jesus, even though the human race couldn’t see him plainly. As a result, they have discarded the notion of an angry, violent God in order to truly accept the positive news that Jesus has taken forth. Realizing this and knowing that Heaven is love, they affirm God’s decision to restore all things by unexpected acceptance and scandalous grace.


Church Services


Address: 2404 Kensington Rd NW, Calgary, AB T2N 3S1
Phone: (877) 360 0365
Website: commons.church


“Someone from another church once asked me what Commons Church was doing differently that was drawing people to it. This is a church community which embraces the diversity of Christian traditions while intellectually exploring the teachings of Jesus through the multifaceted lens we call life. It’s a wonderful community but it’s not a fit for everyone. A few friends find discomfort with the embrace of the orthodox Christian traditions, while others mention the progressive approach of Commons is challenging to digest. I like that it keeps me on my toes, expands my perspectives, and invites me deeper in my faith.” – Kimmi Nguyen

Sacred Heart Church

Sacred Heart Church
Sacred Heart Church is a warm and loving group committed to Jesus’ Sacred Heart, assisting one another in discovering who God wants us to be. Sacred Heart has been blessed with a dedicated group of volunteers since its formation. Sacred Heart Church was organized, sponsored, and maintained with the assistance of the Men’s Union and the Ladies Aid Society, which later became the Catholic Women’s League in 1948. Parishioners grew stronger as a result of their new responsibilities to the Church, parish, and society. Parishioners’ new contributions to the Church, parish, and community pushed them closer to the center of parish life, enriching their personal and public faith journeys.


Church Services


Address: 1307 14 St SW, Calgary, AB T3C 1C6
Phone: (403) 244 2741
Website: sacredheartcalgary.ca


“This church has some of the best priests. Fr. Daniel LC and Fr. John LC. They both in their way make the Mass solemn, beautiful and traditional. Great homilies, usually preceded by short talk for the kids (before Covid). The church itself is beautiful. Traditional Catholic songs / chants / Psalms, not adopting popular Hillsong. What impressed me the most, either Fr. John or Fr. Daniel are willing to provide confession almost EVERYDAY before the Masses which I think is very kind. The other thing, when you observe Fr Daniel praying during Eucharisitic prayer / consecration it will increase your faith Fr. Daniel always has a big smile, he is the priest with the eternal joyful smile.” – Aga Tev

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